George F. Lang Profile

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  • 05/04/2023
    Title 42
                                Elected Officials, The irresponsibility of this Administration is destroying our great country.  We can be a welcoming country while also security our borders.  Stop the insanity by continuing Title 4
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 04/04/2023
    Donald Trump
                                I am a die hard Republician who is now seeing our country being destroyed by the Biden Administration.  
    Donald Trump is about to undergo another witch hunt with Alvin Bragg as the witch with Soros money behind him.
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 07/01/2022
                                As a constituent, I am asking for your commitment to protect my family and our future.  Pollution from fossil fuels threatens everything we know and love. A failure to support the rapid phase-out of pollution i
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 05/06/2022
                                Dear Sir, I am writing to express my concern about the imminent threat climate change poses to our country, to our people and the future of our children. An overwhelming number of scientists agree, and signs ab
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 01/18/2022
    Voter ID

    Stop the NASA bill with no voter ID requirements.  There must be requirements for a fair vote to happen. Pleas let me know you received this. Karen Horne

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  • 08/26/2021
    Infrastructure Spending
                                Dear Sirs,I am, like many others in favor of improving our infrastructure that will provide safe roads, airports, rail, and in some degree broadband.  What I am NOT in favor of is social programs for equality s
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 04/15/2021
    Ambassador's Comments on America at UN
                                I am appalled at the comments made by the US Ambassador about the origins of America.  President Biden should be ashamed at these political appointments and should take swift action to remove.  These lefti
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 03/25/2021
    First Press Conference
                                President Biden's 1st press conference was just an opportunity to lobby for his left-wing constituents, and to take credit for the COVID 19 vaccines and warp-speed distribution the prior administration created. 
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    1 message in this conversation