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  • 04/07/2023
    Medicaid Stop
                                I am writing to you all in regards to just how much stopping the "Extra Help" & other Medicaid realms will affect me. I am sure there are thousands of others with the same problems. I'm just a 64 y/o woman who l
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 09/28/2021
    Vaccine Mandates
                                Charlene I am writing you to ask you fight for us over these unconstitutional  vaccines mandates.  You are one of my few tools I have to oppose our out of control Federal government. These Mandate are goin
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 08/15/2021
    COVID-19 mandates
                                My sister in law is a charge nurse at a major local hospital who is forcing their employees to conform or leave. She gave me some very scary and infuriating information today, that her employer is going to coll
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    1 message in this conversation
  • 08/11/2021
    Forced vaccination
                                Please stand up for the rights of Arkansans!  We require a choice, choosing between our jobs or a vaccine is hardly a choice. But, thousands of us are willing to make that hard choice. Our economy will str
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    1 message in this conversation