Upholding Democratic Principles and Due Process in Presidential Candidacy

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Respectable Representatives of California,

As a father of two young sons, I deeply value the principles of the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. I understand you, too, are a parent, and like me, strive to set an example for our children in upholding these principles. The importance of due process and fair play are cornerstones of our democracy. With respect to the ongoing controversies surrounding the events of January 6th and the proposed disqualification of former President Trump from the 2024 ballot, I feel compelled to express my opposition.

Every American citizen deserves the right to a fair and unbiased evaluation under our legal system, regardless of their political stance. The notion of disqualifying a presidential candidate based on contested allegations and ongoing investigations contradicts the principles of justice and fairness. It sets a concerning precedent and it undermines the integrity of our democratic processes and the rule of law, the very foundations we are committed to teaching our children.

Our children look to us to set examples of adherence to the rule of law and respect for the legal process. We must uphold these standards, ensuring that decisions of such gravity are based on conclusive legal findings rather than political motivations.

I urge careful consideration of the implications of such actions on the integrity of our democratic processes and the precedents it sets for future elections. As a nation, we must stand firm in our commitment to the principles of justice and the rule of law, ensuring that every citizen is afforded their constitutional rights.


A Law-Abiding, Constitution-Respecting Father,
Ben Pearl
