tyranny of the majority

6 messages in this conversation.


Dear Mr. Ziethlow:


Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts on government performance. I understand your frustrations with partisanship and Congress in general.


I am working with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents in the Senate on bipartisan solutions that I hope will address the issues facing Americans. I have one test for my work in the Senate: is it good for the people of Ohio? I'll work with anyone of any political party - or no party at all - to make progress on the issues that matter to Ohioans. I'll always look out for Ohio workers, and protect our main streets from Wall Street greed. I have a plan to bring down health care costs, particularly prescription drug prices. I'll always stand up for those who have worked their entire lives, and who should not see the retirement security they've earned privatized and handed over to Wall Street. And I'll continue working to create economic opportunities that will help build a strong and growing middle class. My priorities lie with the people I represent in the Senate.


If you have any further thoughts, I would appreciate hearing them. Thank you again for contacting me.




                                                            Sherrod Brown

                                                            United States Senator




Stay connected with what's happening in Congress. Sign up here for regular updates on the issues you care about the most: http://brown.senate.gov/newsletter/landing

Sherrod C. Brown
Thank you for getting in touch with me regarding your views. My constituents’ opinions are very important to me, and I appreciate knowing where you stand on the important issues facing our country. Once I am able to further review your inquiry, I will get back to you regarding my thoughts on the matter. Thank you again for being in touch with me.


Senator Sherrod Brown
Sherrod C. Brown
You say you are working with both parties - why then, have most bills in recent memory and some of the most important ones of late passed on strictly partisan lines?  No Republican votes?  Its not the fault of the Republicans, its democrat leadership failing to compromise... couldn't be more offensive to the intent of our Founders.  You all should be ashamed.

Dear Mr. Ziethlow:


Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts on government performance. I understand your frustrations with partisanship and Congress in general.


I am working with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents in the Senate on bipartisan solutions that I hope will address the issues facing Americans. I have one test for my work in the Senate: is it good for the people of Ohio? I'll work with anyone of any political party - or no party at all - to make progress on the issues that matter to Ohioans. I'll always look out for Ohio workers, and protect our main streets from Wall Street greed. I have a plan to bring down health care costs, particularly prescription drug prices. I'll always stand up for those who have worked their entire lives, and who should not see the retirement security they've earned privatized and handed over to Wall Street. And I'll continue working to create economic opportunities that will help build a strong and growing middle class. My priorities lie with the people I represent in the Senate.


If you have any further thoughts, I would appreciate hearing them. Thank you again for contacting me.




                                                            Sherrod Brown

                                                            United States Senator




Stay connected with what's happening in Congress. Sign up here for regular updates on the issues you care about the most: http://brown.senate.gov/newsletter/landing

Sherrod C. Brown
Thank you for getting in touch with me regarding your views. My constituents’ opinions are very important to me, and I appreciate knowing where you stand on the important issues facing our country. Once I am able to further review your inquiry, I will get back to you regarding my thoughts on the matter. Thank you again for being in touch with me.


Senator Sherrod Brown
Sherrod C. Brown

Both houses of congress need a history lesson.... Before making any other law or regulations to shut down the priveledge of freedom we as Americans are supposed to have....  remember  we have two parties to represent us - not one - for a reason.   When one is so dominant and refuses to listen to the opinion/needs/request/requirements of the other  or compromise in any way - we are then living in tyranny.  Any bill that passes on strict party line votes - should by definition be null and void.  How about a new rule for both houses that says just that?

Remember it started like this...
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."