Disgusted with Political Immigration Leadership

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Dear Nancy Pelosi and Colorado Politicians                                                                                                                                                                                  20 Febuary 2021

  1. Everything democrats do turns into a real soup sandwich. Another crisis at our southern border. Let’s look at what you and your democrats have done in Congress: 1) Unplanned, snap impeachments without regard for the due process, zero investigation of 6 January 21 or the fact the Supreme Court Chief Justice bowed out of your sham; 2) You have total disregard for border security which places communities and our national security at risk because you don't know who your letting into our country. 3) You are intentionally making sure ICE is overrun and illegal violators of our immigration laws are not caught and deported. Must we intice the lowest of the low as illegal immigrants. 
  1. Please moderate your illegal approach to our constitution, civil and criminal law.  If President Biden cannot enforce our immigration laws, he and VP Kamala Harris must be impeached and you as our representatives should be criminally liable for dereliction of oath and office if you quietly support this unlawful lack of enforcement of our laws. I recommend switching ideologies to one in which current American citizens are important!  What I see now, you and fellow democrats disagree with our nation's ethnic composition and are willing to support any illegitimate tactic in order to change it through destructive, illegal policies to include making illegal immigration a "normal" quasi-legal practice.  You cannot and should not call yourselves law makers. It appears to me, everything the POTUS and congress does with respect to immigration policy defies current law. President Biden is making the United States a sanctuary country without lawful policy!  I strenuously disagree with this policy. 


Paul Langhals
